Colorado Solo Run – Part 1 Completed

Part 1 has been completed! That is, I made it to Woodland Park, Colorado – my staging location for my RawHyde Adventures training which starts tomorrow (Aug 7, 2020). I have done daily posts on the RHG Instagram and Facebook pages. I have attached the post / photos that I did along my way from New Hampshire to Colorado. Made great time and all and all had good weather — all variations of it!!

I had time to ride Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods after arriving here. There will be more to follow on these.

Starting tomorrow, I will have no WiFi or cell access for nearly six days. Thus, there will be no updates to the RHG website, Facebook, Instagram or You Tube channel.

Next Gen 2020 – Colorado Solo Run

Planning to head to Colorado in a week for adventure motorcycle training at RawHyde Adventures [RHA] @ Colorado. Will travel to Colorado on my “new to me” K1600 GTL. Once at RHA I will have five days of adventure motorcycle training…… and no internet or cell service! My post training plans are still being developed……….. more to follow!

A Time to Stop

These videos are posted on our Red Horse Garage YouTube channel.    If you like this video,  please give it a THUMBS UP on the channel!         And if you  have not yet please hit the SUBRIBE button as well as the BELL icon that way you will know when new videos like this are released

The Final Ride

These videos are posted on our Red Horse Garage YouTube channel.    If you like this video,  please give it a THUMBS UP on the channel!         And if you  have not yet please hit the SUBRIBE button as well as the BELL icon that way you will know when new videos like this are released

No More Mondays !!!

These videos are posted on our Red Horse Garage YouTube channel.    If you like this video,  please give it a THUMBS UP on the channel!         And if you  have not yet please hit the SUBRIBE button as well as the BELL icon that way you will know when new videos like this are released

My White Whale

These videos are posted on our Red Horse Garage YouTube channel.    If you like this video,  please give it a THUMBS UP on the channel!         And if you  have not yet please hit the SUBRIBE button as well as the BELL icon that way you will know when new videos like this are released
Hit me up in the comments below if you have any and comments or questions!!