Category: Harley Davidson
Harley Davidson
The Last Dance – NHSP Motor Unit Training
See also our YouTube channel for all of our videos
No More Harleys?
Coming Soon….. Summer 2o20

Yellowstone Motorcycle Run – Harley Davidson Museum
This is the last video from our Yellowstone Motorcycle Run. This video was done at the Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, WI. From there I’d ferry across Lake Michigan to New York and home to New Hampshire the following day.
This was my third trip to the H-D Museum. It never gets old and there are new things to see and things you need to see again. It is Americana!
Who knows, perhaps next year’s “Motorcycle Run” will take us back to here again!
Yellowstone Motorcycle Run – Headed Home
I did very few video or photos once I left Billings, MT. The route was unique as I headed east through North Dakota and on to Milwaukee WI. Spent a day at the Iron Horse Hotel and visited the Harley Davidson Museum (yet again). I will post a video of that visit separately. The next day, I will take the ferry from Wisconsin to Michigan. That would be a long day as I would travel across Michigan and settle for the night in Niagara Falls, NY. The following day, I arrived home. Another “RHG Run” in the books – we now look forward to “RHG 2020” – destination to be determined. This is vast and great country – I am lucky to be able to travel it on two wheels!!!!
Yellowstone Motorcycle Run – Day 14 Beartooth Pass
Day 14 would be the best riding of the 2019 Yellowstone Motorcycle Run. I want to thank David Eycleshymer for encouraging me to explore Beartooth Highway – it was beyond words and truly an experience of a lifetime. My trek to the top of Beartooth Pass mountain gave me a true understanding of Tim Pifer’s “hike your own hike” philosophy and gave me a new “view” to explore. The video is substantially longer than I typically do …. however, if you watch it end-to-end and realize that was a day’s ride – it will amaze you the diversity of landscape and environmental conditions. It was an amazing day!!!!
Yellowstone Motorcycle Run – Day 12 West Yellowstone National Park
We left Jackson Hole and headed north / northwest to West Yellowstone. The way out took us past the Antler Arch, Million Dollar Cowboy Bar and Jackson Drug. From there we entered West Yellowstone crossing the Continental Divide. The streams and green pastures were abound with bison and even some bear. We rounded a corner to find a parking lot of taillights and people wandering the road and fields. Up ahead we saw the Rangers so we knew there was something on the loose. Soon we heard one of the Rangers yelling to “get in your cars…. the bear was coming.” We remembered – we were on a motorcycle and there was no Plan B. We survived and we ended the day at Old Faithful.
Yellowstone Motorcycle Run – Day 11 Jackson Hole
We arrived at Jackson Hole, WY early in the afternoon. We had a sunset Jeep Tour that evening, little did we know that the temperature would soon drop 30 degrees at the base of the Grand Teton. But that is a future video. We had a few hours to explore the Jackson Hole Village. We opted to take the Tram to the Waffle House. Up we went – the views up the tram as well the top was outstanding. This video is primarily still photos with a shorter mix of Go PRO videos.
Yellowstone Motorcycle Run – Day 10 Cody to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons
Arrived in Cody WY on Day 8. Drizzle from Chief Joseph Scenic Byway turned to steady rain with dropping temperatures. Those conditions turned soon to mixed snow! From our hotel you could see the Cody Rodeo arena and the entrance sign to East Yellowstone. Both would be significant in a few hours. Some hours later the rodeo was canceled due to the snow / wetted conditions The sign now stated that park entrance was CLOSED. We were hopeful by morning that the weather would pass. Morning came and the weather continued. We settled in for another day / night. The next day (Day 10) the weather broke, the sign returned to OPEN and we ventured on toward to the Grand Tetons. Along the way we would see why the park was closed.