Traveling across the country via roads, one has to question tome zones and day-light savings. The same state can have two time zones and be in or out of day-light savings. That is four time options!!!
Grant @ Virginia
Early morning repacking of motorcycles.
Headed to PA today then NY tomorrow to visit some friends – then home!!!
Been burning miles – Grant has not been site seeing very much!
Grant @ Tennessee
Long Run
Good day ….. all miles other that one Grant pic We are outside of Memphis tonight – will be in VA tomorrow. Hit and humid ….. miss the Southwest low humidity!!
Grant @ Arkansas
Lower Antelope and Horseshoe Bend a “mini clip” by Mrs RHG
Oklahoma @ I-40
Hot and very windy.
Grant @ Oklahoma
Somewhere I-40 @ Texas
Bar Something Ranch?
Grant @ Texas
Apparently Texas needs two state line signs with a 1/4 mile of each other