While I know better than to get in the ring again on this issue, I need to at least present a counterpoint (Just My Thoughts) to a valid comment that I received to the original post.
Just My Thoughts …. Closing of Heritage Harley-Davidson
While the deal has been done, I felt compelled to air my thoughts on the acquisition and closure of Heritage Harley-Davidson. If for no other reason than to highlight the impact that this has not just on its customers, the Concord community – but most of all on the 32 employees and their families. The post is long and blunt – but so it the reality for 32 families on October 1st.
Next Gen 2020 “Colorado Run” – Part 4 Rocky Mountain National Park
Thiis the final Part 4 of the 4 part series of my trip to Colorado this past August. This final post is my adventure to Rocky Mountain NP and Trail Ridge Road.
Next Gen 2020 “Colorado Run” – Part 3 Route 50 & Million Dollar Highway
Part 3 of a 4 part series of my trip to Colorado this past August. The final post will be of Rocky Mountain NP and Trail Ridge Road.
Next Gen 2020 “Colorado Run” – Part 2 RawHyde Adventures
This is part 2 of a 4 part serices of my trip to Colorado this past August – this post is exclusively my training and riding with RHA.
Next Gen 2020 “Colorado Run” – Part 1 Pikes Peak & Garden of the Gods
Part 1 of a 4 part series of my trip to Colorado this past August – including my training and Rocky Mountain riding at RawHyde Adventure.
Returned to Mount Washington for a Visit
One Week Ago………… Recapping
One week ago I returned to NH after traveling to Colorado to attend some dual sport training at RawHyde Adventures. It was an incrediable trip and and even more fantastic experience with the RHA Team!
Trail Ridge Road by Dawn ……
While I was cataloging videos from my trip, I was amazed by the pre-dawn and sunrise videos from my unplanned trek back across the Trail Ridge Road @ RM NP. This is a snap shot of that amazing early morning ride
Rocky Mountain National Park – Trail Ridge Road.
Likely the best ride ever……… I did it in the late afternoon and again the next day at sunrise (actually I started up the mountain a half an hour before sunrise).